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21 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas 

21 Backyard Fire Pit Ideas 

Backyard fire pits aren’t just for the colder northern states. Texan homeowners also love sitting around a fire with their families once darkness falls during the cooler winter, fall, and spring months. Fire pits offer a cozy way to bring people together for a chat, a...
17 Backyard Pool Ideas on a Budget 

17 Backyard Pool Ideas on a Budget 

There’s one swimming pool for every 36 people living in Texas. Compare that with almost 200 people per pool in Wyoming and you get a good picture of how much Texans love their swimming pools. Taking a backyard dip is high on the list of priorities for many homeowners...
Best Golf Courses In San Antonio

Best Golf Courses In San Antonio

Jimmy Walker, Joe Jimenez, Tony Holguin…San Antonio’s relationship with golf goes back a long way with the city one of the first names mentioned in discussions on Texan golf. In recent years, San Antonio has become one of the best golf destinations in Texas with some...
12 Best Playgrounds in Austin

12 Best Playgrounds in Austin

Austin is fortunate enough to have nearly 400 parks — but where can you go for your children to be guaranteed a fun time that puts a smile on their faces while also keeping them safe? Whether it’s traditional playing fields, slides and swings, playhouses or something...
Best Artificial Grass 

Best Artificial Grass 

Usage, location, climate, foot traffic, budget, aesthetic preferences …so many factors go into choosing the best artificial grass for any project. And despite what you may read on Amazon or eBay, all artificial grass is not created equal. So, what is the best type for...